Architectural paremeters

A list of architectural parameters and their descriptions
Parameter Description Allowable values Example value
Data type The numerical format used to perform calculations in hardware FP16BP8,FP32B16 FP16BP8, which means “Fixed point format with width 16 bits and with the binary point at 8 bits”
Array size The size of the systolic array and also the number of scalars in each vector 2-256 8
DRAM0 depth The number of vectors allocated in DRAM bank 0 2^{1-32} 1048576 (= 2^20)
DRAM1 depth The number of vectors allocated in DRAM bank 1 2^{1-32} 1048576 (= 2^20)
Local depth The number of vectors allocated in on-fabric main memory 2^{1-16} 16384 (= 2^14)
Accumulator depth The number of vectors allocated in on-fabric accumulator memory 2^{1-16} 4096 (= 2^12)
SIMD registers depth The number of registers to instantiate for each ALU in the SIMD module 0-16 1